Pilot: UPV1022 Adilson Machado Aircraft: PMDG 737-900 PMDG House (N739BW | 2022) Distance: 182NM
Departure SBGR Arrival SBGL Duration 00:38
Validation Validated Type Charter Tail Number PR-BCB
ZFW 62478 Block Fuel/Initial FOB 10,484/0 Flight Fuel 2,340
Passengers 161 Cargo 3651 Alternate SBSJ
Departure Time 2334 Cruise Speed Flight Level 23000
Flight Type Aircraft Type B737-900 Weight Unit kg
Date 24-11-21 Pilot Comments Network ivao
Crashed No Validator Comments validado por aureliano Flight Rating 100

Crashed OK Beacon off & Engine Running OK KIAS Above 250 below 10000 FT OK
Lights OFF below 10000 FT OK Lights ON above 10000 FT OK Stall OK
Overspeed OK Flight paused Fail Refueling OK
Slew detected OK Taxi & Taxi lights off OK Take off & lights off OK
Landing & lights off OK Landed in not planned airport OK Taxi Speed OK
Wrong altimeter in Take off OK Wrong altimeter in Landing OK
Landing wind 129º/7 kt Landing heading 90
Landing VS: -100 ft/min Landing IAS: 151 kt
Landing Force G 1.1 G Landing Bank 3
Landing Pitch -4 Landing Flaps 100
Navigation Lights ON Landing Lights ON
Beacon Lights ON Strobe Lights ON
Taxa de Embarque(1). Number of PAX: 161 161.00
Taxa de Embarque(1).Distance: 182 182.00
Cargo(40).Distance: 182 7,280.00
Cargo(40). Flight duration: 0.64 25.60
Passagem Aéreas(1800). Number of PAX: 161 289,800.00
Passagem Aéreas(1800).Distance: 182 327,600.00
Alimentação Passageiros(8). Number of PAX: 161 -1,288.00
Alimentação Passageiros(8). Distance: 182 -1,456.00
Alimentação da tripulação -3.00
Alimentação da tripulação(3). Distance: 182 -546.00
Combustivel(4). Fuel used: 10484 -41,936.00
Combustivel(4). Distance: 182 -728.00
TOTAL 579,091.60
2024-11-20 23:33:29 FLYacars version 1.3.202449
2024-11-20 23:33:29 Aircraft boarding in progress02449
2024-11-20 23:33:29 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:29 Navigation Lights ON02449
2024-11-20 23:33:29 Beacon Lights ON02449
2024-11-20 23:33:29 Strobe Lights ON02449
2024-11-20 23:33:29 Landing Lights ON02449
2024-11-20 23:33:29 Taxi Lights ON02449
2024-11-20 23:33:29 Starting Engine 202449
2024-11-20 23:33:29 Starting Engine 102449
2024-11-20 23:33:30 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:30 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:30 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:32 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:36 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:38 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:38 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:38 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:38 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:39 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:39 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:39 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:39 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:39 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:39 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:39 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:40 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:40 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:43 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:43 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:43 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:43 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:44 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:44 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:44 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:45 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:47 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:47 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:47 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:47 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:48 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:48 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:48 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:49 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:49 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:49 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:50 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:50 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:51 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:51 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:51 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:51 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:51 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:52 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:52 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:52 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:52 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:52 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:52 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:52 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:52 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:33:52 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:53 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:53 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:33:55 FLAPS 12%12449
2024-11-20 23:33:56 FLAPS 37%12449
2024-11-20 23:33:56 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:33:56 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:33:56 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:33:56 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:33:57 FLAPS 12%22449
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2024-11-20 23:33:57 FLAPS 12%22449
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2024-11-20 23:33:57 FLAPS 12%22449
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2024-11-20 23:33:57 FLAPS 12%22449
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2024-11-20 23:33:58 FLAPS 12%22449
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2024-11-20 23:33:58 FLAPS 12%22449
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2024-11-20 23:33:58 FLAPS 12%22449
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2024-11-20 23:33:59 FLAPS 12%22449
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2024-11-20 23:33:59 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:33:59 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:00 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:00 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:00 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:00 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:00 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:00 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:00 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:01 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:01 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:01 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:01 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:01 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:01 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:01 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:01 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:02 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:02 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:02 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:02 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:02 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:02 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:02 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:03 FLAPS 12%12449
2024-11-20 23:34:03 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:03 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:34:03 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:34:04 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:34:04 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:34:04 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:34:05 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:05 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:05 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:05 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:05 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:34:05 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:06 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:06 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:34:06 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:06 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:07 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:07 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:07 FLAPS 12%02449
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2024-11-20 23:34:07 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:07 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:08 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:08 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:08 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:08 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:08 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:08 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:09 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:09 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:09 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:09 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:09 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:10 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:10 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:10 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:10 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:10 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:10 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:11 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:11 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:11 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:11 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:11 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:11 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:12 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:12 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:12 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:12 FLAPS 12%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:12 FLAPS 37%02449
2024-11-20 23:34:13 FLAPS 12%12449
2024-11-20 23:34:13 FLAPS 37%12449
2024-11-20 23:34:13 FLAPS 12%12449
2024-11-20 23:34:13 FLAPS 37%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:13 FLAPS 12%22449
2024-11-20 23:34:13 FLAPS 37%32449
2024-11-20 23:34:14 FLAPS 12%32449
2024-11-20 23:34:14 FLAPS 37%42449
2024-11-20 23:34:14 Aircraft taxiing to runway42449
2024-11-20 23:34:14 FLAPS 12%42449
2024-11-20 23:34:14 FLAPS 37%52449
2024-11-20 23:34:15 FLAPS 12%52449
2024-11-20 23:34:15 FLAPS 37%62449
2024-11-20 23:34:15 FLAPS 12%72449
2024-11-20 23:34:15 FLAPS 37%82449
2024-11-20 23:34:15 FLAPS 12%82449
2024-11-20 23:34:16 FLAPS 37%92449
2024-11-20 23:34:16 FLAPS 12%102449
2024-11-20 23:34:16 FLAPS 37%112449
2024-11-20 23:34:16 FLAPS 12%122449
2024-11-20 23:34:17 FLAPS 37%132449
2024-11-20 23:34:17 FLAPS 12%152449
2024-11-20 23:34:17 FLAPS 37%162449
2024-11-20 23:34:17 FLAPS 12%172449
2024-11-20 23:34:18 FLAPS 37%192449
2024-11-20 23:34:18 FLAPS 12%202449
2024-11-20 23:34:18 FLAPS 37%222449
2024-11-20 23:34:19 FLAPS 12%232449
2024-11-20 23:34:19 FLAPS 37%252449
2024-11-20 23:34:19 FLAPS 12%272449
2024-11-20 23:34:20 FLAPS 37%292449
2024-11-20 23:34:20 FLAPS 12%302449
2024-11-20 23:34:20 FLAPS 37%322449
2024-11-20 23:34:21 FLAPS 12%342449
2024-11-20 23:34:21 FLAPS 37%362449
2024-11-20 23:34:21 FLAPS 12%382449
2024-11-20 23:34:22 FLAPS 37%392449
2024-11-20 23:34:22 FLAPS 12%402449
2024-11-20 23:34:22 FLAPS 37%412449
2024-11-20 23:34:22 FLAPS 12%432449
2024-11-20 23:34:23 FLAPS 37%442449
2024-11-20 23:34:23 FLAPS 12%462449
2024-11-20 23:34:23 FLAPS 37%482449
2024-11-20 23:34:24 FLAPS 12%492449
2024-11-20 23:34:24 FLAPS 37%502449
2024-11-20 23:34:24 FLAPS 12%522449
2024-11-20 23:34:25 FLAPS 37%532449
2024-11-20 23:34:25 FLAPS 12%552449
2024-11-20 23:34:25 FLAPS 37%572449
2024-11-20 23:34:26 FLAPS 12%592449
2024-11-20 23:34:26 FLAPS 37%602449
2024-11-20 23:34:26 FLAPS 12%622449
2024-11-20 23:34:27 FLAPS 37%632449
2024-11-20 23:34:27 FLAPS 12%652449
2024-11-20 23:34:27 FLAPS 37%662449
2024-11-20 23:34:28 FLAPS 12%682449
2024-11-20 23:34:28 FLAPS 37%702449
2024-11-20 23:34:28 FLAPS 12%722449
2024-11-20 23:34:29 FLAPS 37%732449
2024-11-20 23:34:29 FLAPS 12%742449
2024-11-20 23:34:29 FLAPS 37%762449
2024-11-20 23:34:30 FLAPS 12%802449
2024-11-20 23:34:30 FLAPS 37%802449
2024-11-20 23:34:30 FLAPS 12%822449
2024-11-20 23:34:31 FLAPS 37%832449
2024-11-20 23:34:31 FLAPS 12%852449
2024-11-20 23:34:32 FLAPS 37%882449
2024-11-20 23:34:32 FLAPS 12%892449
2024-11-20 23:34:33 FLAPS 37%922449
2024-11-20 23:34:33 FLAPS 12%932449
2024-11-20 23:34:34 FLAPS 37%962449
2024-11-20 23:34:34 FLAPS 12%992449
2024-11-20 23:34:34 FLAPS 37%992449
2024-11-20 23:34:35 FLAPS 12%1012449
2024-11-20 23:34:35 FLAPS 37%1042450
2024-11-20 23:34:36 FLAPS 12%1052450
2024-11-20 23:34:36 FLAPS 37%1072450
2024-11-20 23:34:37 FLAPS 12%1092450
2024-11-20 23:34:37 FLAPS 37%1122449
2024-11-20 23:34:38 FLAPS 12%1142449
2024-11-20 23:34:38 FLAPS 37%1162449
2024-11-20 23:34:39 FLAPS 12%1182449
2024-11-20 23:34:39 FLAPS 37%1202449
2024-11-20 23:34:40 FLAPS 12%1222449
2024-11-20 23:34:40 FLAPS 37%1232449
2024-11-20 23:34:40 FLAPS 12%1232449
2024-11-20 23:34:41 FLAPS 37%1252449
2024-11-20 23:34:41 FLAPS 12%1262450
2024-11-20 23:34:41 FLAPS 37%1272450
2024-11-20 23:34:41 FLAPS 12%1272450
2024-11-20 23:34:42 FLAPS 37%1282450
2024-11-20 23:34:42 FLAPS 12%1312451
2024-11-20 23:34:43 FLAPS 37%1332451
2024-11-20 23:34:43 FLAPS 12%1352451
2024-11-20 23:34:43 FLAPS 37%1362451
2024-11-20 23:34:44 FLAPS 12%1382452
2024-11-20 23:34:45 FLAPS 37%1402452
2024-11-20 23:34:45 FLAPS 12%1422452
2024-11-20 23:34:46 FLAPS 37%1452453
2024-11-20 23:34:47 FLAPS 12%1472454
2024-11-20 23:34:47 FLAPS 37%1502454
2024-11-20 23:34:48 FLAPS 12%1512454
2024-11-20 23:34:48 FLAPS 37%1512454
2024-11-20 23:34:48 FLAPS 12%1532454
2024-11-20 23:34:49 FLAPS 37%1552454
2024-11-20 23:34:49 FLAPS 12%1552453
2024-11-20 23:34:50 FLAPS 37%1572453
2024-11-20 23:34:50 FLAPS 12%1592453
2024-11-20 23:34:51 FLAPS 37%1612454
2024-11-20 23:34:52 Detected Take-off roll, HDG 266, IAS 164kt, GS 175kt, Wind 159/06KT, Temp 20°C1642456
2024-11-20 23:34:52 Airborne1642456
2024-11-20 23:34:53 FLAPS 12% 166kt, ALT 2461ft1662461
2024-11-20 23:34:54 FLAPS 37% 169kt, ALT 2469ft1692469
2024-11-20 23:34:54 FLAPS 12% 169kt, ALT 2469ft1692469
2024-11-20 23:34:54 FLAPS 37% 169kt, ALT 2471ft1692471
2024-11-20 23:34:55 Gear UP, IAS 171kt, GS 184kt, ALT 41ft AGL1712484
2024-11-20 23:34:55 Gear DOWN, IAS 172kt, GS 184kt, ALT 43ft AGL1722486
2024-11-20 23:34:56 Gear UP, IAS 175kt, GS 186kt, ALT 69ft AGL1752512
2024-11-20 23:34:59 FLAPS 12% 179kt, ALT 2574ft1792574
2024-11-20 23:34:59 FLAPS 37% 179kt, ALT 2577ft1792577
2024-11-20 23:34:59 FLAPS 12% 180kt, ALT 2589ft1802589
2024-11-20 23:34:59 FLAPS 37% 180kt, ALT 2591ft1802591
2024-11-20 23:35:00 FLAPS 12% 181kt, ALT 2619ft1812619
2024-11-20 23:35:00 FLAPS 25% 182kt, ALT 2634ft1822634
2024-11-20 23:35:01 FLAPS 12% 182kt, ALT 2660ft1822660
2024-11-20 23:35:01 FLAPS 25% 181kt, ALT 2680ft1812680
2024-11-20 23:35:02 FLAPS 12% 185kt, ALT 2718ft1852718
2024-11-20 23:35:03 FLAPS 25% 187kt, ALT 2746ft1872746
2024-11-20 23:35:04 FLAPS 12% 185kt, ALT 2786ft1852786
2024-11-20 23:35:12 FLAPS 0% 200kt, ALT 3119ft2003119
2024-11-20 23:35:32 Taxi Lights OFF2173970
2024-11-20 23:37:57 Landing Lights OFF21410463
2024-11-20 23:42:03 Simulator Paused28714708
2024-11-20 23:42:59 Simulator Un-Paused28714708
2024-11-20 23:46:34 Aircraft on Top Of Climb at 23796ft, IAS 204kt, GS 332kt, HDG 103deg, TAT -13deg, WIND 265/31kt20423796
2024-11-20 23:46:45 Simulator Paused21223824
2024-11-20 23:47:04 Simulator Un-Paused21223824
2024-11-21 00:01:28 Aircraft on Top Of Descent at 22499ft, IAS 295kt, GS 429kt, HDG 47deg, TAT -11deg, WIND 271/26kt29522499
2024-11-21 00:02:01 Engine 2 shutdown29921693
2024-11-21 00:02:01 Engine 1 shutdown29921693
2024-11-21 00:02:01 Starting Engine 229921690
2024-11-21 00:02:01 Starting Engine 129921690
2024-11-21 00:08:54 Landing Lights ON23810199
2024-11-21 00:08:57 Taxi Lights ON23810102
2024-11-21 00:09:15 FLAPS 12% 242kt, ALT 9434ft2429434
2024-11-21 00:09:20 Gear DOWN, IAS 242kt, GS 293kt, ALT 8253ft AGL2429201
2024-11-21 00:09:23 FLAPS 25% 241kt, ALT 9099ft2419099
2024-11-21 00:09:27 FLAPS 37% 238kt, ALT 8953ft2388953
2024-11-21 00:10:44 Simulator Paused2115805
2024-11-21 00:10:46 Simulator Un-Paused2115805
2024-11-21 00:11:27 FLAPS 50% 211kt, ALT 4068ft2114068
2024-11-21 00:11:31 FLAPS 62% 210kt, ALT 3923ft2103923
2024-11-21 00:11:34 FLAPS 75% 210kt, ALT 3818ft2103818
2024-11-21 00:11:37 FLAPS 87% 210kt, ALT 3678ft2103678
2024-11-21 00:13:01 FLAPS 100% 153kt, ALT 34ft15334
2024-11-21 00:13:02 Landed at destination with a landing rate of -235fpm, HDG 90deg, touchdown speed 151kt, Wind 129/07KT, Temp 24°C15128
2024-11-21 00:13:22 Engine 2 shutdown8434
2024-11-21 00:13:22 Engine 1 shutdown8434
2024-11-21 00:13:22 Starting Engine 28434
2024-11-21 00:13:22 Starting Engine 18434
2024-11-21 00:13:30 Engine 2 shutdown7136
2024-11-21 00:13:30 Engine 1 shutdown7136
2024-11-21 00:13:30 Starting Engine 27136
2024-11-21 00:13:30 Starting Engine 17136
2024-11-21 00:13:36 FLAPS 87%4734
2024-11-21 00:13:41 FLAPS 75%4536
2024-11-21 00:13:43 Aircraft taxiing to apron2937
2024-11-21 00:13:45 FLAPS 62%2737
2024-11-21 00:13:47 FLAPS 50%2738
2024-11-21 00:13:51 FLAPS 37%2638
2024-11-21 00:13:55 FLAPS 25%2238
2024-11-21 00:13:59 FLAPS 12%2439
2024-11-21 00:14:06 FLAPS 0%2138
2024-11-21 00:14:22 Aircraft at gate/stand, ground services are moving into position, disembarkation has begun. Remaining FOB 8144kg FLYacars v1.3.2137
2024-11-20 23:34:29768324495820TAKEOFF
2024-11-20 23:35:29212230383525919INITIAL CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:36:29222243653639817CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:37:29221249924952611CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:38:29201252118586496CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:39:29239303130027654CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:40:29290373136908743CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:41:29292378142659382CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:42:29287374147089742CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:43:292753681611910250CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:44:29255360187611122-4CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:45:29229346213801216-9CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:46:29201328237611304-13CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:47:29226365240121365-14CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:48:29260415243811451-15CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:49:29288456246761531-15ENROUTE
2024-11-20 23:50:29294465249671593-16ENROUTE
2024-11-20 23:51:29291461249631642-16ENROUTE
2024-11-20 23:52:29291461249781693-16ENROUTE
2024-11-20 23:53:29293464249741746-15ENROUTE
2024-11-20 23:54:29292465249591798-15DESCENT
2024-11-20 23:55:29291463249861850-15CLIMB
2024-11-20 23:56:29294465249711903-15ENROUTE
2024-11-20 23:57:29293457249411954-15ENROUTE
2024-11-20 23:58:29293434245971999-14DESCENT
2024-11-20 23:59:29291435238882033-13DESCENT
2024-11-21 00:00:29292431231782069-12DESCENT
2024-11-21 00:01:29295429224852106-11DESCENT
2024-11-21 00:02:29294427208342129-8DESCENT
2024-11-21 00:03:29294411188482146-4DESCENT
2024-11-21 00:04:29294398168522162-1DESCENT
2024-11-21 00:05:292853761521221780DESCENT
2024-11-21 00:06:292513271394521952DESCENT
2024-11-21 00:07:292433131274722114DESCENT
2024-11-21 00:08:292392981094322277DESCENT
2024-11-21 00:09:292372848873224411DESCENT
2024-11-21 00:10:292132486379226016DESCENT
2024-11-21 00:11:292112243993227618DESCENT
2024-11-21 00:12:29213216434229324ON FINAL
2024-11-21 00:13:29716936232524ON FINAL

2024 UP LINHAS AÉREAS VIRTUAIS - Todos os direitos reservados. [v2.6.2]